
Wednesday Morning Randomness: 21 Fresh Memes and Pics For Exquisite Minds

It's Wednesday my dudes, and that means it's time to have some fun. If you're looking to take the edge off, instead of slurping down some whiskey on the rocks, try these 24 memes on for size instead. 

It's nearing the end of the year, and as is tradition at this point, people are pointing out all of the things that made 2023 the worst year ever. One meme here shows "2024" hiding behind a truck, ready to take down "2023." The truth is, every year we think that "next year" will be the year things finally go right for us, and we take life by the horns. Unfortunately, if 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020 are anything to go off of, that won't be happening. People have been complaining that every single year is worse than its predecessor since the mid-2010s, but considering how much 2020 and 2021 completely stunk, I think 2023 wasn't actually all that bad. Still, if I'm looking back at it fondly in 35 years, then we have a problem.

It's natural to be stressed about a new year, and I'm sure you'll finally start going to the gym, stop drinking, start dating, and start saving money. If not, the memes will always be here for you. 

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